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Кулинарный форум Хорошей кухни > Антресолька > Сны О Грузии...

Автор: milena66 8.09.2005 - 22:50
Вот небольшая цитата об уцхо сунели - тут он снова упоминается как фенугрик.

If you've ever walked into an Indian spice shop,
chances are you've smelled fenugreek, one of the
predominant aromas in many curries and chutneys.
One species, Trigonella caerulea, is also used
extensively in Georgian cookery ( see the recipes
for Georgian pork stew and " salsa " on pages
161 and 192 ). Itss Georgian name, utskho suneli,
translates as " a strange and fragrant smell from
far way. " Its English name comes from the Latin
fenum Graecum, literally " Greek hay "; in classical
times the legume was grown for fodder. Look for
fenugreek seeds at Indian markets, specialty
shops, and some supermarkets

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